Report on the holding of Hang out activities in the Northern region.

On Tuesday February 8, 2022 at around 1 p.m. in the CMPJ REGIONAL DU NORTH conference room, a special Youth Day Hang Out was held. This meeting between the young leaders of the North region and their elders aimed to make an optimal contribution to the development of human capital in the agro-pastoral sector.
Were present around the DRJEC NORD, the representatives of the Regional Delegates of MINADER MINEPAT MINEPIA, the coordinator of the annex of the University of Ngaoundéré in Garoua, the RAC PNV and the RAC ASCNPD North, and about sixty young girls and boys.
The methodology of the work was small presentations of 5 to 10 min from each panelist followed by questions and exchanges with the participants.

Intervention of the representative of DR MINEPIA

intervention of the representative of DR MINADER

The coordinator of the annex of the University of Ngaoundéré in Garoua

A question from a participant.

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