The Unity Village is a socio-cultural event aimed at promoting national unity, living together and cultural diversity. It is also a platform for the promotion of local products, meetings and exchanges between the various stakeholders in social, economic and political life.

Agropastoral Actors

The presentation of the African Confederation of Agropastoral Actors is done by their President, His Majesty ZOMBA’A DOUDJO Armand. Here are his wordings thanks the precious advice of the African sage, President Paul Biya in his speech to the youth in 2016, we have dared, we have created, we have innovated, we have trained, we have undertaken, we have above all, encouraged young people and our members to produce.
We have tried and we are gradually confirming with the father of the nation that the earth never betrays. Our efforts on the path of professionalization for quality and mass production are gradually bearing fruit. I am therefore pleased to present to you the beginnings of our efforts on the ground, products from the plantations and farms of our confederation members across the country. These premises are offered to whom it may concern, you guess with me that it is the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul Biya to whom we say thank you. Together, I would like us to reserve loud applause for the Head of State who has been able to guide and encourage us.


Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation represented here at the unity village by Mr Monger Sebastian. Their missions are as follows;
– promoting local and innovative heritage
– studies on the recycling of metallic and non- metallic material
– studies and realizations in the field of civic engineering and architecture etc.


Arrival of the Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education his Excellence MOUNOUNA FOUTSOU and members of Government at the Unity village and National integration which is an annual event organized on the occasion of the celebration of Cameroon’s National Day.

Symbolic Ribbon Cutting

This permits an official exploitation of the village which consist of the following district;
– the Import/substitution district
– the ancestral and heritage know-how district
– The intensification of- the district of administrations and institutions the enrolment of young people in the Biometric Youth Card
– the district of administrations and institutions and many others

The father of Youth *MOUNOUNA FOUTSOU

During his speech, he put more emphasis on national symbols and emblems. The second stanza of the national anthem repeated in the French language to show the importance of singing the national anthem in its entirety as a sign of patriotism. He ended his speach by encouraging the youths to engage themselves in the Agricultural sector and encourage each and every one to be an indomitable Lion in their domain of competency .



CISAL institution found at the DIASPORA stand through their flyer, gives us some guidelines concerning the road which are as follows;

-Keeping silence in the face of excessive speed makes you an accomplice to murder.

-Overloading increases the risk of accidents.We regret driving too fast only when it is too late.The human body has no spare parts.

-When you look at your Smartphone, who is looking at the road?

-Wearing a safety belt is an indispensable measure, even for children.

-Wearing a helmet for motorcyclists can save lives.Drinking before driving brings setbacks and a bad overtaking can lead to death

Interview of his Majesty ZOMBA’A DOUDJO Armand the president of African Confederation of Agropastoral Actors.

🏛️ At the invitation of the High Council for Cameroonians Abroad
(HCCE), the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education is taking part in an exchange workshop based on :
(1) Import-Substitution and the added value of diaspora businesses in Cameroon’s economic development,
(2) Migration: between regular and irregular channels.
from the esplanade of Yaoundé City Hall.

🛟 On the panel

Moderator: Ossian Charmant

Corinne Jeanne Elle Atangana, Lawyer
Job Tatke, Head of the Arts and Crafts Vocational Training Centre
Dr Samuel Dogmo, Executive Chairman HCCE
Epoko Epoko Anselme, Coordinator of Pari-Jedi
Samory Emmanuel, President of the Cameroonian Association to Combat Illegal Immigration

🛟 There is no wealth other than land, stresses Jeff François Samba Mbono

For this expert in public policy and industrial policy, who is also Vice President of Diaspora South Africa,

When it comes to import substitution, we need to increase local production through economic patriotism.

Agriculture is a promising sector for developing ‘made in Cameroon’ and helping to industrialise Cameroon.

🛟Place for economic patriotism

Cameroonian production makes it possible to:

– create jobs
– avoid devaluation deficits.

On that note, to have an industrialising industry, we need to boost the Diaspora. “Whether through economic intelligence, the Diaspora can see outside, copy and come to transpose it to Cameroon. “says Epoko Epoko Anselme, Coordinator of Pari-Jedi.

For the Diaspora to be able to implement, it needs resources. To this end, the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education has set up a number of projects and programmes for young people. For young people in the Diaspora and on the ground, all you have to do is go to a Multifunctional Youth Promotion Centre in every district of Cameroon. Registration is both physical and virtual on the official website of the National Youth Observatory.

🛟 Why is dual nationality slow to be taken into account?

A recurring question… So, this young participant questions the panel.

Mrs Clavery Toukam, founder of careconnect by Izikare and Altic Digital

Diaspora England, her association excels in various health and insurance cover.

BAKITI Gaetan, Administrative Manager of Family care’n Hope.

They provide training in the social work professions, in particular:
– Auxiliary social worker
– Childcare assistant
– Multi-skilled family worker
– Specialised educator.
Diaspora France is chaired by Dr Josephine Etoung.

Endon André Fils, Promoter of “Yann Évent

He offers services in catering, haute couture, decoration, events, mixed entertainment, hairdressing, beauty treatments, project studies, digital marketing, office secretarial work and consultancy.

🛟 Added value for young people

This exchange meeting comes within the framework of Import-substitution and added value of diaspora businesses in the economic development of Cameroon.

The aim is to raise awareness among the diaspora of import-substitution opportunities in Cameroon and encourage their involvement in local economic development.

🛟 Context and justification

From the outset, Ossian Charmant, the moderator defined the HCCE, an umbrella organisation of the Cameroonian Diaspora in the world which aims to be a Federating structure of organisations of Cameroonians living abroad.

To achieve its vision, the HCCE has organised this workshop to develop a genuine “Five-Year Plan for the Cameroonian Diaspora”, which is a kind of roadmap.

🛟 “We need to integrate the consumption of our products”

We need to get out of the neo-colonial block thinking that everything that comes from elsewhere is better, said panelist Job Tatke, Economic Operator.

In his speech, the sharing of experience between the Diaspora and local entrepreneurs will enable us to produce enough to satisfy local needs. Similarly, the Diaspora can provide us with new technologies to exploit for strong industrialisation.

🛟 For Dr Samuel Dogmo, the opportunities are numerous

– Networking and partnership opportunities with local stakeholders
– Increased visibility for HCCE members and partners
– Promotion of the diversity and richness of the Cameroonian diaspora
The Diaspora can add value in several sectors of activity to promote import-substitution. It must be said: the talents of the diaspora are dense.
All the potential of the Diaspora must be harnessed, hence the Intellectual Bank which is currently being finalised.

Now, the Young Diaspora exhibition route

CISAL “Le civisme sauve des vies”, whose coordinator is Cathy BELAN

Coming from the French diaspora, this association of Cameroonians is involved in raising awareness in a number of social areas in the acquisition of moral and civic values.

However, they are focusing on road safety in large gatherings of people from different backgrounds.

Diaspora Germany

Duchelle Guedem Tapap, Promoter of Pô Africa; International school of Bertoua; Vocational Training Institute For Foreign Language of the Global Teps Group

of the German Diaspora,

The German Diaspora helps disadvantaged people and takes action to improve their living conditions.

🛟 They are present at this workshop to:

– Promote the diversity and richness of the Cameroonian diaspora and its contributions to national development.
– Facilitate networking, partnership and investment opportunities between the diaspora and Cameroon
– encourage entrepreneurship and innovation within the diaspora and support their integration into the national economy
– Reassure and confirm the availability of the Diaspora to participate actively in the multifaceted development of Cameroon as a stakeholder responsible for its obligations
– To confirm the republican spirit of the Cameroonian Diaspora and its attachment to respecting the fundamentals of the Mother Country.

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