the Tales of Living Together evening

We are currently at the esplanade of Yaoundé City Hall to watch the “Veillée de Contes du Vivre Ensemble” presented by the Association Carrefour des Conteurs Contemporains as part of the 52nd National Day celebrations.

This evening of storytelling is taking place here in the district of encestral and patrimonial know-how. Several artists from the 4 cultural areas of Cameroon are performing on stage for the pleasure of the spectators.

And here we go for a few interludes with an extract from young Max Abe who calls on the Cameroonian people to promote peace through his song Déposons les armes (Let’s lay down our arms).

📸 The General Secretary, Mr Zachée Robert Théophile Benga, was on site to watch the evening of storytelling, accompanied by Mr Alphonse Tankeng, Head of the Studies and Projects Division (DEP).

Make way for the Veillée de Contes du Vivre Ensemble with the Association Carrefour des Conteurs Contemporains.
In pictures. 📸

🤔 What is it really about❓

“A Storytelling Show for Children and Adults”.

La Veillée de Contes du vivre ensemble is a show made up of an arrangement of Tales, proverbs, riddles, songs from our intangible cultural heritage with the substance of a collection of moralities punctuated with a zest of humour specific to our mores; aiming to promote the values of a life in community, the aim of which is to accept us despite our linguistic, religious, traditional, ethnic, tribal and other differences….

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