Minister Issa Tchiroma Bakary, is equally taking part in this conference.
In his speech, he expressed his gratitude to the young people who invited him to take part in this conference and above all, Minister MOUNOUNA FOUTSOU for his undeniable devotion towards the youth and their wellbeing.
He stated that he is ready and willing to bring in his contributions to any worries on the Employment and vocational training sector.

Following the “Matinée du Volontariat” organised this morning all over the national territory, the Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education, MOUNOUNA FOUTSOU is presently taking part in this virtual conference organised by youths of the Diaspora. Other members of government and development partners are equally connected to exchange more knowledge on the theme of this conference and the theme of the 56th edition of the Youth Day.

After presenting the run down of the program and singing of the Cameroon National Anthem, Mr. Fabien Ekukwe Lyonga states the objectives of this workshop which among others include:

– Giving an opportunity to young people to dialogue with the members of government and development partners there present;

– sensitising the youths on the negative influence of the social media;

– brainstorming on the significance of the theme of the Youth Day and how each youth can actively participate;

In his opening remark, His Excellency MOUNOUNA FOUTSOU acknowledged the initiative of the United Council of Youth Empowerment which is headed by Mr. Fabian Ekukwe Lyonga, a dynamic cameroonian youth based in the United States of America.
He further explained that several activities have been organised all over the national territory to commemorate the 56th edition of the Youth Day such as the “Matinée du Volontariat” where he actively took part this morning.
He stated that these activities go a long way to showcase the voluntary engagement of young people home and abroad, to participate in the major challenges of our great nation Cameroon. The Minister appreciated other members of government present for the constant support offered to young people and equally admonished the youths connected to be good examples to their peers, promote patriotism, harmonious living together, and take advantage of the programs and projects offered to them by the Head of State . He further stated that the ongoing conference is just a foretaste of the Special Hangout which will take place this evening at the National Museum face-to-face and online via the platform and on the CRTV.

In his opening remark, His Excellency MOUNOUNA FOUTSOU acknowledged the initiative of the United Council of Youth Empowerment which is headed by Mr. Fabian Ekukwe Lyonga, a dynamic cameroonian youth based in the United States of America.
He further explained that several activities have been organised all over the national territory to commemorate the 56th edition of the Youth Day such as the “Matinée du Volontariat” where he actively took part this morning.
He stated that these activities go a long way to showcase the voluntary engagement of young people home and abroad, to participate in the major challenges of our great nation Cameroon. The Minister appreciated other members of government present for the constant support offered to young people and equally admonished the youths connected to be good examples to their peers, promote patriotism, harmonious living together, and take advantage of the programs and projects offered to them by the Head of State . He further stated that the ongoing conference is just a foretaste of the Special Hangout which will take place this evening at the National Museum face-to-face and online via the platform and on the CRTV.

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