Training and awareness on “Mindset Education” are positioned as the objective of this association.


👉 Cultural exchanges
👉Physical and sports activities
👉Excursions to foreign countries to experience other cultures
👉Group interviews
👉Free language learning: English, French, Korean, Chinese. . .
👉 Free training in piano, computer, guitar, dance, taekwondo, karate. . .
👉 International interview between young people.

To find out more, you will find their stand at the Youth Village

The presence of training centers is also noted, like the Center for Vocational Training in Arts and Crafts (CFPAM). This center offers vocational training in partnership with the reference CMPJ of Yaoundé Madagascar, in the following areas:

📍 IT;
📍 Catering;
📍 Decoration;
📍 Multimedia.

Personalized coaching phase

For this phase of the training, it is a question for the trainers to listen to the participants and to deal with their financial problems in terms of counseling on a ”case by case” basis.
It should be remembered that this training is free and free.

The business canvas then makes it possible to have a good control of its project and possibly an ease to seek financing from banks and other organizations.

One of the points on which he makes a point of honor is the customer relationship. Thus, he makes it known that it is important to keep a strong enough customer relationship. It involves the reduction of barriers between the client and the service provider. This is about language techniques to adopt in front of customers. “The familiarity is one of the effective techniques in marketing and in customer relations because it breaks a first barrier”, he says.

At the end of the 1st phase of the training, the exhibitor of the day Steve Deffo TAWEMBE, explains to us the merits of this training in financial optimization in the following excerpt 👇

Presentation of the exhibitor

Deffo TAWEMBE, president of the Cameroon branch of this association made a presentation of the key tools for financial management. These tools also include a mobile application capable of carrying out daily accounting operations and which, at the end of each day, generates a report in PDF. These tools are:

📍 The Business Canvas

This tool helps to identify key partners and resources, key activities, offers etc. “The business canvas allows you to put all the essential information on paper for your business to work”, indicates the exhibitor. This tool allows you to have a clear and precise knowledge of your business.
It should be remembered that this training is done on a practical basis where young entrepreneurs take examples of the operation of their businesses. In a production company, it is necessary to identify the key activities. These range from actual production to distribution. <>, says Steve Deffo TAWEMBE.